Tuesday, August 19, 2014

If I Were In Charge

If I were in charge, which I'm assuming means if I was a costume designer, I would honestly try to emulate my boss Courtney’s way of running things. She has this perfect balance of seriousness and playfulness that make it such an enjoyable workplace.  She is also incredibly generous with her team and constantly shows respect for the people that work for her. She creates an unparalleled loyalty that any employer would want from their employees. Every costume designer leads their team differently and every designer has a way of doing things that works for them. What I think made me enjoy my time with Courtney so much is that she leads her team in the exact way that I think a team should be led. I don’t really think that at this point in my novice costume career I can really have an opinion about how a costume team should be run. There is still a lot that I don’t know about this industry and about costumes in specific. Only time and more work will give me a better idea of how I would one day lead a team. Overall, this has been an incredible experience and I am incredibly grateful that I was given this opportunity.


  1. Jenna, it is great that your boss created a work environment that you would want to emulate if you were CEO. Sounds like you really enjoyed your internship

  2. It's so awesome you had such a great time! And I feel the same; it's hard to know how you'd run something you don't have a ton of experience in. But I'm glad you had such a good example set for you this summer.

  3. It sounds like your boss is a great model for you should you ever take charge of a team. It's good that you recognize the balance she has to strike with her employees, I've noticed similar attributes in my own boss.

  4. I'm glad you had such a great experience at your internship. Having a boss who is willing to explain things, and knows how to create an open and educational environment, makes being an intern so much better.
