Sunday, July 27, 2014

Binder, Main responsibility

            The Wednesday Binder is my greatest responsibility as an intern at RCA Marketing. My Wednesday begins with updating all of the different artist calendars. While these calendars do not go into the binder itself it is crucial that they are updated for they are necessary to the meeting that my two bosses attend. This meeting also includes the CEO and COO of RCA Records. Once the calendars are updated, I must organize them in alphabetical order and then return them to the bosses. After this is done it is time to work on the binder. The binder must be completed by either 2 p.m. or 4 p.m., depending on the time that the meeting is scheduled on that specific day. I begin my work on the binders as soon as I complete the calendars. There are approximately 70 different documents and they go in a rather specific order, thus the binders are quite a time consuming and tedious task.  Often I will be asked to do another small task while I work on the binder, and this provides a nice respite from the work. Once the binder is finished however I must double check and make certain that everything is in proper order. There is no screening system, so if I screw up it is truly on me. This task has taught me how to deal with pressure in a calmer manner while still completing a task. While it is not the most creative work, I hope that it will service me in the long run.

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