Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Week 4: Changing Perspectives

Now that I am past the midway point of my internship, my experiences in the work force are numerous, and have changed my perspective from my first blog post. Of course my first blog post was extremely enthusiastic and I still have a positive attitude about work, however in the beginning I did not know all that would be expected of me from an unpaid internship. I have learned that the workforce is not always fair, your achievements are not always recognized, and a lot is expected of you even if there is no gratification. For example today we have a huge fashion preview where we put all our inventory on display and editors come through to check everything out. So, yesterday was a very hectic day, putting everything on display. So by the end of the day, just when I thought I was finished, A woman who is not my boss asked if I could peel paint labels off of the ground, which was a back breaking task. I ended up missing my train and having to take a later one, which aggravated me because I was not being paid, and I had to stay late to complete a laborious task from someone who was not even my boss. However, on the train home I realized that if I have that attitude going forward, then I am going to have a tough time in the work force. I have to accept the fact that not all jobs are at my convenience. I at first thought this was a very "chill" environment since none of the interns are being paid, they are usually very loose and understanding. However, I realized in any work force a lot is expected of you, even if you are just an intern


  1. This was a great post. I understand how the higih expectations of an unpaid internship may seem unfair and you said it perfectly with, "I have learned that the workforce is not always fair, your achievements are not always recognized". Right now you and I at the bottom of the food chain with unpaid internships but we both need to remember that all the CEO's and all the other employees started right where we are. Keep up the positive attitude that you had on the train and it will all pay off!

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself! I find myself in the same situations as you have stated in this blog post. Im sure this will open the door to many opportunities for you however in the mean time feels tedious. I hope you continue to have a good experience and are offered more fulfilling jobs that you enjoy doing for the remainder of your internship!

  3. This was a great post and something I think all unpaid interns come to understand at some point during the internship. It is important as you said to keep a positive mindset and gain as much from the experience as possible. Sometimes this means doing things you don't really want to, but in the end it all pays off!
