Monday, July 7, 2014

Getting to Know My Colleagues at New You Magazine

The weeks go by quickly while working for New You Magazine. During the past couple of weeks, I have really had the chance to become closer with some of mentors. Sarah serves as one of my bosses and mentors and I do admire her dedication to her career and passion for her job. She is continually working past her scheduled hours and putting in extra effort to help the magazine become as successful as possible. I think that having a strong work ethic is an extremely important quality to hold. I also admire her patience, as she never makes me feel like I am bothering her if I have questions. Additionally, there are a lot of deadlines when working for a magazine, but Sarah’s ability to stay calm under such pressure is admirable.   

I like how the relationship with Sarah and my other mentors is kept more informally because it allows me to feel more relaxed when going to work. I think that if she mentored me in a more formal aspect, then I would be nervous which could potentially affect the quality of my work.

The company that owns the magazine has other businesses, which also work within the building as well. This is beneficial because there are many employees within the office all performing different tasks and helping in different departments, so I am able to interact with them too. It is nice that everyone is friendly with one another no matter the department because people can always learn from one another. Plus, it makes going to work everyday easier when you enjoy interacting with the people you work with. The office environment, in regards to how employees communicate with one another, is kept very relaxed.

Sometimes I wonder whether having other interns at the company around the same age as me would change my experience in some ways. I feel that I am able to really learn from my mentors especially since I virtually am the only intern, so they communicate with me before other interns. However, if there were other interns, I feel like they could possible serve as other mentors to me as well.


  1. I like how the informal nature of the workplace allows you to feel more at ease. That is also something that is important to me. Sounds like you're already having fun!

  2. Your workplace is a lot like mine: informal yet instructive. I think it is interesting that you have so many different companies working in one building. You can learn a lot about various positions and the effort it takes to build and promote the magazine. I hope you enjoy the rest of your internship and I can't wait to hear more about it!
