Monday, August 11, 2014

Looking Back

After completing the last day of my internship on Friday, I looked back at my time at FOX Sports thinking of what I had accomplished and how I felt about the experience. On my first day at FOX I was so nervous. I know little to nothing about sports, and I was about to spend my whole summer in an environment where all I would be talking about and working on would be sports related. Initially, this was terrifying. I was going to be thrown into a world that I knew nothing about. But now, looking back, I have decided it was one of the better experiences I have had. My main accomplishment is not something tangible like a project or a report of some sort, it is that I am now confident enough in my abilities to go into a situation that I may be completely unfamiliar and will be fine. Although my co-workers would tease me about my lack of knowledge in the field, it was more out of comradery and light-heartedness and not out of actual annoyance. I became "one of the guys" (literally every employee there is a male except for one female). My accomplishment that I am most excited about is my confidence in being able to adapt to any environment and feel 100% comfortable by the end, so much so that I was sad to leave.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tatianna it's good to see that you were able to adapt at a place you initially felt anxious about. I liked what you said about your biggest accomplishment not being something specific but rather a sense of confidence. That will definitely prove useful to you not only in a professional situation.I feel that this general tool is not something all work experiences provide.
