Monday, August 4, 2014

Sporting Kansas City Internship - CEO for a Day

I am putting my shoes into the Inside Ticket Sales Manager. The first thing I would do is try to create friendships within the office. Every Friday morning, I would organize social events and games. This would give everyone a chance to escape the constant competition of selling tickets. These games would be very fun, and in some cases, they would not have anything to do with work. They would be my way of rewarding everyone for their efforts. Some examples would include eating competitions and jeopardy type games.

In order to motivate my sales associates to develop strong relationships with their clients, I would require them to not come into the office for one day per week. Instead, they would have to spend the day meeting with clients or holding promotional events at the offices of potential partners. This way, my staff would strive for more face-to-face interactions with everyone who we do business with. This would go a very long way in not only selling tickets but also creating long-lasting partnerships.

Finally, I would change the arrangement of the desks for my sales staff. Currently, the desks are split into two sections. The first section, composed of four desks, is for the sales associates, basically the beginners. The other section, composed of six desks, is for the account executives, those who have been around for awhile and have higher goals to reach. By mixing up the seating a little but more, the newer and younger sales staff members can learn more from being around highly experienced individuals.


  1. I like your ideas about creating good relations in the work place and rewarding your employees. I think these suggestions would definitely boost morale and make work more enjoyable,

  2. It really sounds like you understand the company and would be a great contributor to improvement. Clearly you learned a lot and had a great experience!
