Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 4

My initial perception of the tech world in general was a bunch of coders sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end. However, during the course of this internship, I have discovered that a great deal of our work revolves around team meetings and human interaction. I found this quite surprising but very pleasing. Most of our time goes into discussing the various problems that the company is facing and how to develop the best technology to rectify them. Everyone has a say and it is a very constructive, democratic environment. At times the manager has asked me for my opinion and I have had to speak in front of a group of about ten to fifteen other employees. Initially, I felt unsure of myself and was scared of sounding silly in front of experienced computer scientists. However, given time I became more confident and made meaningful contributions to the team meetings. Overall I find the environment is very relaxed and fun to work in and I truly feel like a full time employee and a part of the time. I feel like the culture really helped make me feel comfortable as I did not encounter the hours of seclusion I thought I would face nor did I experience a corporate cultural environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Saif, I can totally relate to the way you felt during meetings at first. I went to my first meeting the second day of my internship and was totally caught off guard. I didn't even think I would have to speak, but I did. I was definitely nervous at first, but it also felt good because I was treated like a real employee and my opinion mattered. It's nice when our co workers make us feel comfortable too. Enjoy the rest of your internship!
