Friday, June 27, 2014

Environment/ Initial Impressions

This summer I am interning at a film PR agency called Katrina Wan PR located in Beverly Hills, CA. When I arrived at my internship the very first day, I was greeted by one of my coworkers Sarah who was recently just promoted from intern to full time. She was very friendly and immediately introduced me to everyone in the office. The very first thing that I did that day was participate in the company's weekly meeting where I had a chance to meet everyone that works for my boss Katrina. I instantly noticed when I walked into the conference room that I was very overdressed. I showed up in business casual whereas my boss walked in wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and wet hair. I was slightly embarrassed but really relieved to know that the dress code was incredibly casual. The meeting started and I sat at the table staring blankly at my computer as we discussed the upcoming films that we were working on. It being my very first day, I had literally no idea what any of the projects were that we were working on so I sat quietly and tried to absorb anything that I could. What was nice about the meeting was that everyone was really good about explaining things to me so that I wasn't so lost. I am the only intern working for the company (even though they hired a brand new assistant who started the same day as me), so I felt like all eyes were on me. After the meeting, my boss took us all out to lunch. Only seven people work for Katrina so, being a small company, she treats us all to lunch after the weekly meeting. It was really nice to talk to her and my coworkers about non-work related things and get to know each other better. I pretty much spent the rest of the day training on how to do Publicity Status Reports and learn to send out mailers (sample DVDs) to the press. Overall, it was a great first impression and I really  started to like the people I work with.


  1. Hi Roni!
    I am so glad to hear that your first impressions of your internship went well! It is interesting because I just started my internship this week as well, and I have had very similar experiences despite working in such different fields. I am relieved to hear that your experience was similarly welcoming and exciting at the same time. I cannot wait to hear about all of your progresses in the upcoming month and hope that you enjoy your time and work!
    Best of luck!
    Tatianna Kroha

  2. Sounds like a small environment will allow you to learn a lot and get hand on experience. Good luck with the rest of your internship!

  3. It's great that you get to work in an environment in which you can really interact with your coworkers, and boss. The casualness seems like it helped your transition as well.
