Monday, June 16, 2014

Getting to Know My Colleagues at the 48th District Court

      During my second week at the 48th District court I have been able to get to know my colleagues more than the previous week. I have been able to have lunch with a different Judge for the last three days which has been very interesting to hear their different opinions on many different cases that have happened in the past as well as cases that are coming up within the next week. It is very cool to see so many different opinions on the same rulings that give me chances to come to my own conclusions about how I feel regarding them as well. For example- last week there was a drunk driving case where it was the defendants first offense. She had a BAC of .21 and luckily did not injure anyone. This defendant was a mother of 3 children under the age of 10. Two of the judges in the 48th District court believed this mother could benefit from probation from alcohol and drugs and Alcohol Anonymous meetings three times a week, however one Judge believed the only way to get through to this women was to sentence her to a week in county jail.

   Other than the Judges I have been able to get to know the other court interns and assist them with the projects they are working on. Many mornings before court together we go through the files and gather the information the Judges and Attorneys will need throughout the day. The other interns are very helpful and are always around to assist me with my work as well as answer any questions I have throughout the day. I could not feel more at home at my internship and each morning I look forward to arriving!


  1. Allison, your internship sounds amazing and I am happy you are enjoying it. It is nice that you have career goals in this field, which will help you learn a lot. I hope you enjoy the rest of this amazing opportunity.

  2. Thats so great that you've been able to spend time at lunch with different Judges and interact with them in a setting other than just the office (or courthouse?). I'm sure having a more personal relationship with the people you work with translates to your actual work and helps you with communication. I hope you continue to enjoy!
