Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 1: Environment and Initial Impressions at NBC

This summer I am interning in the Investigative News Department at NBC in Chicago.  I work under a reporter, Lisa, and her producer, Robin.  Even though this was only my first week, I have already obtained a good sense of what a professional newsroom environment is like.  Just this week, I participated in the morning news meetings where the station’s leadership and staff discuss the day’s stories, observed show tapings from the control room, and accompanied Robin and a camera crew on an interview.  These activities allow me a nice change of pace from my regular assignments and give me invaluable exposure to different aspects and people of NBC.
I particularly enjoy how, as an intern, I am treated like a regular member of the news team.  My desk is in the newsroom, just like most other reporters and news staff.  Everyone dresses business casual and is eager to get to know the new interns.  They are more than willing to discuss their roles and experiences at NBC and answer any questions.  At first I was nervous about things like setting up and using my own phone line, adapting to software I had never used before, and learning any newsroom protocol.  The welcoming and friendly atmosphere, however, made these first week lessons more manageable. 

Together Robin and Lisa juggle producing about five stories at a time, so there is always something for me to do, and they mostly let me choose what to work on and when.  This independence and busy environment has made for a stimulating and enjoyable experience so far.  Right now many of the stories are in the early production phases, so I am looking forward to participating in their development in the upcoming weeks!   


  1. Hi Natalie! I am so happy to hear that you received an INCREDIBLE internship! The News Department at NBC is right up your alley! I wish you all the best at your internship and I am so excited to read your future posts! Enjoy Chicago!!

  2. Hi Natalie! This was awesome reading about your summer internship at NBC because I also live in Chicago and work there, so it's cool seeing similar scenery and hearing about your experience! I hope you the best and am impressed with not only your internship opportunity, but as Shana said, your ability to be treated as more of a "staff" member than an intern position. Congrats and have a fun summer in Chi!

  3. Natalie,

    soooooo cool that you're working at NBC! What a serious and respected news outlet! Over at the Tennessean, the interns are treated just like the staff too. It's really great to not be fetching coffee for people. Good luck with your internship -- I'd be really interested to hear about some of the stories that you are working on!

  4. Your internship sounds like an amazing opportunity! Working in a newsroom must be so fast-paced and exciting! I think it is really great that your co-workers are treating you as an equal, they sound like they will have a lot to teach you. Good luck!
