Getting to Know My Colleagues
Winger Marketing is in the suburbs of Chicago. I live in the city of Chicago. Therefore, it is a 1 hour train ride, add the 30 minutes it takes me to get to the train station, to get to Winger in the morning. Luckily, last Friday one of my coworkers, Michelle, offered to drive me to work. Michelle is 25, went to Wisconsin, and is from West Bloomfield so we have a few mutual friends and talked a lot about going to Big 10 schools. She also gave me a lot of ideas for what I could do over the weekend, restaurants I could go to, and areas to go out in. I really got to know Michelle a lot better by driving to work with her and it made me more comfortable to approach her with questions or ask her to clarify things in the office. She is my main supervisor and is the one who gives me assignments and who I report to. I definitely found our relationship to be more natural and her to be less intimidating this week. I hope Michelle and I stay in touch after the summer and she can serve as a possible mentor!
I'm also participating in the University of Michigan Mentorships Program. I'm having dinner with my mentor next week and can't wait! She has been traveling the past few weeks but we have been keeping in touch via email. We seem to have a lot in common and I think we will have many things to talk about at dinner.
This is great! I love how you said you find your coworker less intimidating after getting to know her. After working alongside my coworker for two weeks and learning about her background, I am definitely less intimidated and more comfortable in the office.